“To Assist the Church . . . .”

The Church around the world needs more biblically qualified pastors and church leaders. Those leaders must be faithfully grounded in God’s Word, steeped in sound Christian doctrine, nurtured in Kingdom culture, and fearless to proclaim the Gospel in an age hostile to the Truth. The Church—not graduate schools, not research universities, not even seminaries—bears responsibility for raising up such pastors and church leaders to shepherd God’s people and advance Christ’s Kingdom in every lawful vocation. Reformed Evangelical Seminary exists to assist local churches in pursuing this ecclesiastical calling.

Our mission is to assist the church in equipping pastors and leaders for orthodoxy and orthopraxy rooted in Reformed catholicity—right where they live, work, and worship with the people who best know their gifts, strengths, and potential.

Our goal is to equip the saints anywhere to serve Christ’s Kingdom everywhere.

The Seminary is designed to bring experienced pastors and theological educators, who can provide robust pastoral training, rigorous biblical and theological studies, and personalized pastoral mentorship, alongside faithful Reformed and evangelical congregations at an affordable price.

The Seminary’s courses and programs are open to qualified individuals from Reformed and evangelical congregations everywhere which share our vision for ecclesiastically centered training of pastors and church leaders.